A few months ago I decided that I really wanted a digital camera. So I started looking online and I found a few and then I just had to choose one and raise enough money to get it. So I chose a Kodak easy share (M893) it was $130 and I only had about $36 so I realized I had to find a way to get the rest of that money. Well about 2 months passed by and I had gotten up to about So I started trying to find ways to earn money then a lady that I know asked me to babysit for her. She has three children and I thought "well this is a great way to earn some money for that camera" so I said yes. Then I babysat for her for 10hrs. I ended up getting $75 and then I had $111 so I only needed about seven more dollars. Then I went online and looked at the camera again and it was only $109!!! They had put it on sale for the holidays. So I got it!!! It still hasn't come in but I can hardly wait till it does. The picture is of the exact one that I got. (Isn't it purrty!!!!)
I have wonderful digital camera... It has fine picture quality...
Quite purty, Penguin Person.
Sorry I haven't been on here in a long time. On my blog it shows when you post, and it hadn't shown anything for a while, so I just came to see if anybody had commented.
I miss you! I'm sick of being sick! It's really bad when you're getting better, but still really can't hang out with friends. Stinkos.
I hope to see you this weekend- maybe we can do SmileFest!
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